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What is EFT Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique?

EFT, also known as The Emotional Freedom Technique, is a method that goes quickly to the heart of a problem, lowers the emotional intensity associated with it and allows the brain to come up with the best possible conclusion.

  • EFT lowers the intensity of any emotion and gives direct access to the subconscious mind.
  • The subconsicous mind holds all of our memories and experieinces. When you access the subconscious mind, you access the thoughts, beliefs and memories that are ready to be looked at and released. In this way, you can move forward with clarity and to take action without procrastination.
  • Studies show the use of a physical action, coupled with speaking, sends the message more deeply into the psyche - much deeper than if the message had only been delivered verbally.
  • EFT is a combination of tapping on the body's energy meridians while talking about an issue.
  • Studies are also now showing that the Amygdala, the part of the brain that holds stress and all stress emotions, is actually calmed by the use of tapping.
  • EFT is a form of accupressure based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture. These points are used to treat physical and emotional ailments, only without the needles. 
  • With EFT, simple tapping with the fingertips is used on specific meridians on the head, face, and chest while you think or talk about your specific problem.  These can include, but aren't limited to traumatic events, addictions, fears and phobias, even weight loss and abundance issues. 
  • EFT works by clearing the emotional block or "short circuit" from your body's energy system.
  • The result is a restoring of your mind and body's balance. This balance is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease.

Initially, some people were wary of the principles that EFT tapping is based on. But with the successful results demonstrated with EFT, scientific studies were done. They showed the overall positive effect EFT has on the body and emotional state of the subjects tested.

Over the years in my work with clients, I've seen miraculous shifts and lives changed as a result of using EFT. To get to the bottom of an issue or deeply held belief, it's important to be as specific as you can about the emotion, situation, or past event. By doing this, the subconscious is able to finally release the charge they have over you. Not only do people let go of intense emotions, but the actions they take in their lives also dramatically improves.

Keep in mind that if you're working on an issue that's deep seated or something that's been ongoing for an extended period of time, there can be layers to it. Because of this, it needs to be dealt with gently, and sometimes over several session. If an issue is a difficult one for you, it's best to work with a professional who's trained in EFT. By having a person who's not emotionally invested in the issue, you're able to move more quickly through it and discover the many layers to it. This gives you the ability to let go of it completely. I've also started incorporating FasterEFT where the core issues are very deep. FasterEFT combines NLP with EFT as well as reimprinting, making it a great compliment to EFT.

Click here to receive a downloadable EFT Chart with insructions

EFT tapping - An overview of the process

The basic EFT tapping sequence is straightforward and genergally takes only a few minutest to learn. My clients have the advantage of being shown the tapping points in person, but you should be able to pick up these points from the chart, fairly quickly. With just a little practice, you should feel comfortable performing each round in a few minutes.

NOTE: While it's important to tap the correct area, you don't need to worry about being absolutely precise. Since you'll be using several fingertips at once to tap, you'll be covering the general area. What's more important is being able to identify the exact issue or problem. The more precise you can be about that, the better your results.

Understanding EFT tapping

The first thing to understand is that you will be doing the EFT tapping with your finger tips. There are a number of acupuncture meridians on your fingertips. While you're tapping with your fingers, you're also activating the meridians in your fingers.Traditional EFT tapping has you tap with the fingertips of only one hand, but you can tap with either hand, both hands at the same time, or switch back and forth between hands. It's what feels right for you. I find that with particularly old or deep issues, I prefer tapping with both hands or at least switching back and forth so both sides of the body points are activated. By switching to different hands, you're activating the different sides of the brain which helps integrate the shifts.

If you wear glasses or a watch, it's generally best to remove them prior to tapping.

Other uses for EFT - especially in public

If you find yourself in a stressful situation, even one in public, you can use EFT to lower your level of anxiety or emotional response. If you're in public, merely rub the collarbone point or you can put your hands behind your back and rub the Karate chop while thinking phrases to yourself that you would normally say out loud. For EFT to work, it's not necessary to always be tapping - rubbing works just as well.

An excellent source of EFT books, videos, or workshops is EFT University

If you're ready to explore EFT or take your life or career to the next level, schedule a complimentary call to discuss your goals. I'm happy to answer any questions you have and we can see if we're a mutual fit.


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